
UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of California Medi-Cal查找工具


Remember, your primary care physician does not need to give you a referral to other health care providers that are in the UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of 加利福尼亞 network. Also, when visiting any provider, be sure to identify yourself as a member and present your UnitedHealthcare ID card and BIC (benefits identification card).

Search for a Provider in our network of health care providers for specialists, hospitals, urgent cares, and more. 

San Diego County Provider Directories




此應用程式中現有的服務提供者,可能並不是 UnitedHealthcare 網路內所有的簽約服務提供者。可能有部分網路內的服務提供者,或特定專科醫生並未包含在此應用程式中。如果找不到您要尋找的服務提供者,請直接與服務提供者聯絡,以確認服務提供者與 UnitedHealthcare 網路的簽約狀態,或者致電 UnitedHealthcare 會員卡上所列的免費電話號碼與客戶服務部聯絡。我們也建議,在任何醫師(包括任何專科醫生)為您看診之前,您應與醫師診所聯絡,以確認其簽約狀態及服務提供狀態。



根據聯邦政府 1990 年《美國殘障人士法案》(Americans with Disabilities Act, ADA) 以及 1973 年《康復法案》第 504 節的規定,UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company 提供完整且平等的管道讓民眾得以取得承保服務,且不會以殘障為理由,在服務、計劃或活動中歧視符合資格的殘障人士。






如欲通報錯誤資訊,請寄送電子郵件至 provider_directory_invalid_issues@uhc.com。此電子郵件信箱是供會員通報線上名錄或印刷版名錄中可能不正確的基本(地址、電話等)資訊。如果透過此電子郵件信箱通報問題,我們將會與服務提供者的診所聯絡,以確認名錄中的所有基本資料,這可能需要花費大約 30 天的時間。個人也可透過電話通報可能不正確的資訊。UHC Members should call the number on the back of their ID card, and non-UHC members can call 888-638-6613.

Providers should use the UHC Provider Portal or use the upgraded My Practice Profile on Link. Contractual issues should be addressed through your UHC Network contact.

Members may also report possible inaccurate, incomplete or misleading information listed in the behavioral health provider directory by using the “Report Incorrect Information” link found on the Provider’s detail page, calling 1-800-557-5745, or emailing provider_feedback@optum.com.


You will get your Medi-Cal covered prescription drugs through Medi-Cal Rx. 

Your provider can prescribe you drugs that are on the Medi-Cal Rx Contract Drug List (CDL). Sometimes, a drug is needed and is not on the Contract Drug List. These drugs will need to be approved by Medi-Cal Rx before they can be filled at the pharmacy. 

To find out if a drug is on the Contract Drug List or to get a copy of the Contract Drug List, call Medi-Cal Rx at 800-977-2273 (TTY/TDD 800-977-2273 and press 5 or 711), and/or view Contract Drug List at:  https://medi-calrx.dhcs.ca.gov/home/cdl


If you are filling or refilling a prescription, you must get your prescribed drugs from a pharmacy that works with Medi-Cal Rx. 

You can find a list of pharmacies that work with Medi-Cal Rx in the Medi-Cal Rx Pharmacy Directory at https://medi-calrx.dhcs.ca.gov/home/find-a-pharmacy

You can also find a pharmacy near you by calling Medi-Cal Rx at 800-977-2273 (TTY/TDD 800-977-2273 and press 5 or 711).

Mail-order options are available through Medi-Cal Rx.  If the pharmacy is an enrolled Medi-Cal pharmacy provider, the pharmacy may dispense the medication on-site or through a mail-order service. Please contact your pharmacy mail-order provider to transfer existing prescriptions and inform your provider of the mail-order pharmacy where you would like new prescriptions to be sent


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